Odette Returnable Packaging Management toolkit is now complete
2 maj 2019
In September 2017, Odette published its Best Practice Recommendation ‘Packaging Management Guidelines’ (LG14) which was the result of a number of OEMs, Tier suppliers and LSPs from across Europe as well as Odette National Organisations working together to define the essential preconditions to packaging management.
Such preconditions include master data management, pool installation and maintenance as well as the core operational processes such as packaging agreement, packaging accounting and, most importantly, how to keep the supplier supplied with the optimum quantity of empty RTIs (Returnable Transport Items).
At that time, web portal applications were often being used to control and monitor returnable packaging but, to truly automate the overall process, a structured exchange of data which can be directly integrated into ERP systems is required. After more than 2 years of work the Odette RTI Project Group has completed the development of a complete suite of digital messages based on UN/EDIFACT standards which will serve to automate and accelerate the essential communications between the suppliers, OEMs and LSPs involved in the order, supply, transport and use of RTIs, representing a significant gain for the industry.
Grouped in 4 families covering the Packaging Order process, the Packaging Transport Order process, the Packaging Despatch process and the Packaging Delivery process, the messages complete a comprehensive toolkit for the Management of Returnable Packaging and are now available on the Odette website.
In order to bring more automation and transparency to the empty packaging supply chain, an extension to the specification of the GTL EP v2 has also been developed to include the specification of a Label for Shipment of Empty Packages.